2022 Judges
Left to right: Judy Watson, Dr Mary Knights, Wayne Tunnicliffe
photo: Jessica King, 2022
2022 Winner
Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin
Synthetic polymer on linen
150 x 150cm
Judges’ comments
This artwork is incredibly resolved and works so well as a whole. The colour palette is fascinating – the colours push and pull across the painting. The work generates movement. You can imagine the artist singing; it’s almost like a performative work. There is strong cultural integrity. The Tjukurpa resonates through the work. It is multilayered with a rich narrative that is important to her and her community. There is a diversity of brushstrokes and mark-making in a distinctive, raw, and energetic way. This powerful painting is full of life.
2022 Residency Prize Winner
Max Bowden
And a really nice day was had by all
Oil on linen
40 x 30cm
Judges’ Comments
Painted en plein air, this atmospheric work achieves what it sets out to do capturing that sense of being an eyewitness. The small scale belies the power of the work. Every brush stroke is working – every stroke is powerful, meaningful, and considered. It is wonderfully atmospheric. There are gorgeous passages such as the reflection of the headlights on the road. Coming from Darwin, Max Bowden will experience a different climate here in Hobart and is sure to be inspired by the different collections of artworks in Tasmania. It will be of great benefit to her career. She has shown a great sense of sensitivity to place and to the land and weather around her. We look forward to seeing what she creates during her residency next year.
Honourable Mentions
ALEC BAKER Ngura (Country)
JANE BURTON The moss of her skin
BUGAI WHYOULTER Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25)
MELISSA SMITH this hush - Lake Sorell
Deep Within
Carbon pencil
80 x 80cm
2022 Mercury People’s Choice Award
2022 Finalists

ALEC BAKER, Ngura (Country), Acrylic on linen, 91 x67 cm

LORRAINE BIGGS, Take a Breath, Oil on canvas, 67 x 128cm

CAMELIA BLITNER, Dreaming of My Brother, Acrylic on linen, 75 x 91cm

MAX BOWDEN, And a nice day was really had by all, Oil on linen, 40 x 30cm

HARRISON BOWE, Beyond the Citadel, Enamel and beeswax on canvas, 155 x 95cm

PAT BRASSINGTON, Thinking makes it so, Pigment print on archival paper, 82 x 105cm

WAYNE BROOKES, Knut Bull in a China Shop, Acrylic on canvas, 111 x 81cm

JANE BURTON, The moss of her skin, Pigment inkjet print on paper, 155 x 80cm

KATJARRA BUTLER, Ngamurru, Acrylic on canvas, 147 x 147cm

FARIDAH CAMERON, Surface of the Earth, Acrylic on linen, 102 x 112cm

BELINDA CASEY, relipianna melaythenner relipianna timmarerer, Charcoal rubbing and oil on canvas, 125 x 160cm

KEN DONE, A nice view I, Oil and acrylic on linen, 81 x 102cm

TUPPY NGINTJA GOODWIN, Antara, Synthetic polymer on linen, 150 x 150cm

ALICE GUINNESS, Bundut Circle, Synthetic polymer on canvas, 150 x 120cm

NEIL HADDON, Entering Macquarie Harbour (the smoke was so thick), Acrylic, oil, screen print and lacquer on aluminium, 140 x 130cm

MICHELLE HOLMES, My Country, Acrylic on linen, 152 x 122cm

MYLENE HOLROYD, Gatherings, Acrylic on linen, 61 x 91cm

KATE LEWIS, Arduous Fantasy, Oil on wood, 45 x 56cm

SUE LOVEGROVE, The Lake of Memory (No 570), Acrylic and ink on archival board, 63 x 93cm

JENNIFER MARSHALL, Burnt Out II, Oil on linen, 137 x 122cm

HELEN MCCARTHY TYALMUTY, Regrowth, Acrylic on linen, 90 x 149cm

PAUL S. MILLER, Towards Odd Fellows Hill, Bowral, Egg tempera on panel, 120 x 120cm

MILAN MILOJEVIC, Possession, Digital print with etching overlay, 50 x 160cm

ANNE MORRISON, Holdfast, Acrylic on linen, 122 x 137cm

MARTIN REK, Deep Within, Carbon pencil, 80 x 80cm

ADRIAN JANGALA ROBERTSON, Yalpirakinu, Acrylic on canvas, 31 x 122cm

AMANDA SEACOMBE, Little Para, winter flow, Archival print of phytotypic chemigram, 137 x 58cm

MELISSA SMITH, this hush - Lake Sorell, Intaglio collagraph print, 65 x 160cm

UMATJI TANYA TJAPALYI, Ngayuku Nyuntjunku Tjukurpa (My Mother’s story), Synthetic polymer on linen, 122 x 122cm

MARY TONKIN, Caress, Kalorama, Oil on linen, 68 x 82cm

ALEX WANDERS, Shadowland, Acrylic on canvas, 92 x 92cm

NAT WARD, Chocolate lily buds on Nail Can hill, Oil on canvas, 110 x 110cm

BUGAI WHYOULTER, Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25), Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150cm

CATHERINE WOO, A moment in the day, Mixed media on aluminium, 120 x 120cm

MICHELLE PULATUWAYU WOODY MINNAPINNI, Ngiya Murrakupupuni, Locally sourced ochres on linen, 150 x 150cm