Opening Night Gallery

Thank you to everyone who came and joined in our opening celebrations on Friday, 2nd August.

Special thanks to Jansz Tasmania and James Boag's Premium.

2024 Judges

Left to right: Dr Neil Haddon, Jane Devery, Tina Baum

Photography: Jessica King

2024 Winner

Zoe Grey

The Shape of Rock

Acrylic and oil on canvas

153 cm x 122 cm

Judges' Comments

A very confident work which draws you in with its rich colours and varied mark-making. There is much to discover as you move around the work and different elements reveal themselves. It's oceanic and energetic. The composition is well resolved, and the work offers an immersion in the landscape which parallels the artist's experience of her hometown, Marrawah, a small coastal town in the northwest coast of lutruwita/Tasmania.

2024 Residency Prize Winner

Laura Patterson

Original Shadows, Kooparoona Niara (Mountains of the Spirits) / Mole Creek Tasmania

Oil on board

121 cm x 90 cm

Judges' Comments

A beautiful painting which feels both familiar and haunting. With evocative filtered light, there is a sense of moisture and dampness that make you really feel like you’re in the place. We were impressed with how the artist articulated her proposal for this residency and what it would mean for her creative practice with the opportunity for plein-air studies in Tasmanian national parks and the chance to experiment with scale.

2024 Mercury People's Choice Award Winner

Stephanie Tabram

Afternoon below Table Mountain

Acrylic on linen

137 cm x 152 cm

Honourable Mentions

Illuwanti Ken

Walawuru ngunytju kukaku ananyi (Mother eagles going hunting)

Acrylic and ink on linen

160 x 160 cm

Zaachariaha Fielding


Acrylic on linen

160 cm x 160 cm

Naomi Hobson

Wuukanta: Life on the River

Synthetic polymer on linen

160 x 160 cm

Rosie Hastie

Scott’s Peak

Photograph of constructed sculpture

67 cm x 100 cm

2024 Finalists