Naomi Hobson

Artwork title: Wuukanta: Life on the River

Medium: Synthetic polymer on linen

Size: 160 x 160 cm

Price: $30,150

About the Artwork

The work represents the story cycle of Wuukanta, life on the river. The river is culturally important to us. To me and my family it is home. Our people are buried along the river and there are special birthing sites. It has fed us for thousands of years; we have laid on the sandbanks and looked at the same star constellations as our ancestors. It nourishes and provides year after year and from one generation to the next. The happenings of today are projected into the past and made as explicit as the happenings of yesterday. For us – Wuukanta is life.

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About the Artist

Coen is my home. My family and country mean everything to me.

Naomi Hobson is a Visual Artist who resides on the banks of the riverbeds her grandparents were born. Her

residence is an old tin shed that was once her village church. Her colourful abstract compositions act as a link

between individuality and a shared identity. Her continual inspiration is the vast traditional lands of her ancestors

surrounding the Community of Coen in North Queensland and her culture. "I paint in my own personal space where I feel most comfortable including my back veranda, in the dry river beds,

on the river banks during the wet season; my childhood fishing and camping places that my families have lived and spent

time there for thousands of years. My colour choices express life, its diversity, its vibrancy and the preciousness of all living things."